Corvirtus Blog

Hiring Assessments: A Brief Guide

Written by Sam Lawson | Jul 25, 2018 11:54:21 AM

When it comes to hiring, your ultimate aim is to find the perfect match who will excel in their role, seamlessly blend into, and strengthen, your company culture, and stick around for the long haul.

Hiring assessments: a double edged sword?

You might think that assessments can add value but will likely encumber the success of your hiring process detracting from the quality of your candidate experience. We urge you to reconsider. In fact, assessments are like hiring superheroes, boosting your ability to find the perfect match for your team. They enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your hiring process by providing hiring managers with valuable job-relevant information about candidates, including their aptitude, skills, and personal attributes that align with the job requirements.

Why read our guide on assessment?

By the time you finish reading this short guide, you'll have gained an extensive understanding of the basic concepts you need to know to make informed choices on assessments and how to connect them with your hiring process. This includes

The Science Behind Assessments: Explore the research and theories that underpin the effectiveness of assessments as a reliable means of selecting candidates. Discover how various assessment methods, such as cognitive tests, personality assessments, and situational judgment tests, provide valuable insights into a candidate's potential for success.

Leveraging Assessments for Employee Development: Uncover the untapped potential of assessments in fostering the growth and development of your employees. Learn how assessments can identify skill gaps, pinpoint areas for improvement, and help tailor personalized development plans to enhance performance and drive career progression.

Understanding Assessment Validity: Gain a deep understanding of what it means when we say an assessment is "valid." Explore the different types of validity, such as content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity, and how they ensure the assessment accurately measures the desired traits and abilities for a particular role.

Setting Cut Scores or Benchmarks: Delve into the process of setting cut scores to determine whether a candidate is qualified to move forward in the hiring process. Discover the methodologies used to establish these thresholds and ensure fairness and consistency in candidate evaluation.

Mitigating Legal Risks: Explore the legal implications of hiring decisions and how assessments can help organizations stay compliant. Understand the role of assessments in promoting fairness, objectivity, and diversity in the hiring process, while avoiding potential legal pitfalls.

With this newfound expertise, you'll be equipped to leverage assessments as powerful tools for identifying top talent, fostering employee growth, and making informed hiring decisions.


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