Corvirtus Blog

The Future of HR Technology in 2024

Written by Jennifer Yugo, PhD | Jan 13, 2024 9:04:48 PM

What technology will reshape the way we hire, develop, and retain our teams, and our experience of work

HR tech certainly is not slow to change. What differs now is we're part of a paradigm shift – likely at the precipice of a new era where smart technologies drive learning and development, artificial intelligence guides grounds hiring and recruiting, and meaningful talent market analytics enrich the employee experience. This is not just about filling positions and retaining employees; it's about building a workforce that aligns beautifully with organizational goals and values.

By taking a moment to look ahead, we can become aware of the potential for change, take action, address concerns before they become problems, and foster a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. With major shifts in how we work ahead the human element is indispensable. As we'll share with AI, tech places greater importance on our capabilities and decisions. By implementing advancements in data analytics, AI, and ML, people and HR leaders can enhance decision-making, streamline processes, and create a more engaging and personally connecting employee experience. With these tools at their disposal, teams can build remarkable places to work that achieve results, foster belonging, growth, and are an enriching, not depleting, part of our lives (which, as a side note, is our team's own mission and reason for being).

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Enhanced Data Analytics for Smarter Decision-Making

In 2024, HR technology will be driven by enhanced data analytics, enabling smarter decision-making within organizations. With the help of advanced analytics tools and techniques, HR professionals will have access to a wealth of data that can provide valuable insights into employee performance, engagement, and overall organizational health. By leveraging this data, HR teams will be able to make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and predict future outcomes with greater accuracy.

An early and easy to see return on this is efficiency. Consider that eighty percent of HR employees and managers report spending four or more hours a week doing manual data entry. Undoubtedly this contributes to that more than half of those working in the people function find incorrect or outdated information in their systems on at least a weekly basis.

One of the key benefits of enhanced data analytics in HR is the ability to measure the impact of HR initiatives and programs. By analyzing data related to employee training and development, performance evaluations, and engagement surveys, HR professionals can determine the effectiveness of their strategies and make necessary adjustments to improve outcomes. This data-driven approach will not only enhance the efficiency of HR processes but also contribute to the overall success of an organization.

We continue to embrace opportunities to connect data across the employee journey. What do I mean by this? Well, if you're conducting exit interviews, how could that information inform your hiring process? If you're taking action to reduce turnover based on exit data, you could measure your progress early by delivering pulse surveys or tracking your progress through your regular engagement and employee experience surveys.  Here's a short list of data that should be shared and applied across the employee journey and experience:

  • Hiring demographics and psychographics (e.g., interests, experience)
  • Diversity analytics (we have a solid checklist of questions to ask to explore DEI and Belonging)
  • Employee engagement and experience surveys and feedback
  • Turnover and tenure
  • Performance feedback: performance reviews, 360's, aggregated performance improvement plan data

Furthermore, enhanced data analytics will enable HR professionals to identify patterns and trends that can help in talent acquisition and retention. By analyzing data on successful hires and employee turnover, HR teams can identify the key attributes and characteristics of top-performing employees, allowing them to make more informed hiring decisions. Additionally, by analyzing data related to employee satisfaction and engagement, HR professionals can proactively address issues and implement strategies to improve employee experience, leading to higher retention rates.

In summary, enhanced data analytics will transform the way HR professionals make decisions. By leveraging advanced analytics tools, HR teams will have access to valuable insights that can drive strategic decision-making, enhance HR processes, and contribute to the overall success of an organization.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in HR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will play a crucial role in the future of HR technology. In 2024, AI-powered HR systems will automate time-consuming tasks, streamline processes, and improve overall efficiency. With AI and ML algorithms, HR professionals will be able to automate administrative tasks such as resume screening, candidate shortlisting, and scheduling interviews, allowing them to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. 

The Corvirtus team has begun applying AI to draft assessment reports and content. With performance data, predictive analytic techniques can be applied to shorten assessments and further enhance validity and the candidate experience. By analyzing historical data and patterns provided by a company, AI algorithms are a tool, that in combination with human judgement, can predict future outcomes, such as employee attrition, performance, and engagement. It's hard to overstate that these approaches require significant involvement and proactivity by organizational leaders as well as the provider. When in place, this predictive analytics capability can enable teams to proactively identify and address potential issues, accelerate workforce planning, and respond to change.

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Moreover, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will enhance stakeholder experiences: from customer and guests to the employee experience and engagement. These chatbots can provide instant responses to employee queries, guide them through HR processes, and provide personalized recommendations. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, these chatbots will be able to understand and respond to employee needs, providing a seamless and efficient HR experience. In fact, we've started evaluating potential chatbots that could respond to candidate questions.

Implementing AI in an organization is not just a technological upgrade; it's a significant change that impacts organizational behavior and requires effective change management. There are human and technical aspects of change that demand careful and intentional implementation.

Further, AI and ML make knowledge and skill paramount. Mastery of evidence-based recruiting and assessment and connecting that knowledge to new technology will differentiate providers of tech as well as the companies implementing their technology.  


Change management in this context involves preparing the workforce for the transition, addressing concerns, and fostering a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. It's crucial to communicate the benefits of AI clearly and transparently, highlighting how it can augment human capabilities rather than replace them. This approach helps in alleviating fears and building trust among employees.

Employee feedback also plays a critical role in this transition. Leaders must exemplify and encourage behaviors that embrace innovation and flexibility. Training and development programs should be implemented to upskill employees, making them proficient in working alongside AI systems. This not only boosts confidence but also ensures that the workforce is equipped to leverage AI effectively.

Furthermore, it's important to continuously monitor and adjust the integration process, taking into account employee feedback and behavioral responses. This iterative approach ensures that the implementation of AI is responsive to the needs and dynamics of the organization.

In conclusion, AI and ML will revolutionize HR processes by automating tasks, providing predictive insights, and enhancing employee experience. HR professionals can leverage these technologies to improve efficiency, make data-driven decisions, and create a more engaging and personalized employee experience.

Revolutionizing Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

Recruitment and talent acquisition will undergo a significant transformation in 2024, thanks to the advancements in HR technology. Traditional recruitment methods will be replaced by innovative tools and platforms that leverage data analytics, AI, and ML algorithms, and smarter application of proven tech to engage and select strong candidates for a position. 

Nudges. In terms of smart technology, one of our initiatives this year is providing our text messaging functionality to job candidates. As we frequently share when launching a selection solution, an assessment or tool will only drive results if it's used. While the primary use of text messaging is to encourage candidates to complete the assessment stage, it's an example of how nudges, short and simple reminders or messages, could drive compliance.


Moreover, we expect to see advances in tech to enrich communications between recruiters, hiring managers, and employees. It allows for quick and efficient updates on the hiring process, interview scheduling, and any other relevant information. By utilizing convenient and accessible communication channels like text, email, and well designed hiring tech, smart organizations will be competing at another level for top talent.

Additionally, automated communications and tech can enhance the onboarding experience and results. By sending welcome messages, important documents, and training materials via text, we can expedite the onboarding process and ensure that new employees feel engaged and prepared from day one. This seamless and efficient approach also makes it simple to begin educating and inspiring new employees with your values and culture.

Its potential applications are extensive, ranging from performance feedback and communication facilitation to onboarding support and employee engagement efforts. By leveraging this versatile communication channel, we can enhance various aspects of the employee lifecycle and ensure a positive and engaging experience for all.

Resume Screening. One of the key trends in recruitment technology is the use of AI-powered resume screening. Instead of manually reviewing hundreds of resumes, HR professionals can rely on AI algorithms to screen and shortlist candidates based on predefined criteria. This not only saves time but can, if built intentionally and monitored carefully, ensure a more objective and fair selection process.

Furthermore, talent acquisition platforms will leverage data analytics to provide HR professionals with insights into the talent market. By analyzing data on candidate availability, salary trends, and skill gaps, these platforms can help HR teams optimize their sourcing strategies and improve quality of hire.

In summary, the future of recruitment and talent acquisition lies in leveraging HR technology that is evidence-based. By incorporating data analytics, AI, and ML algorithms, HR professionals can streamline the hiring process, improve candidate selection, and make more informed decisions.

Employee Experience and Engagement Tools

Creating a positive employee experience and fostering high levels of engagement will be a top priority for organizations in 2024. While quit rates declined at the end of 2023, national employee opinion research suggests leaders will need to continue to invest in earning, and keeping, employee loyalty. Consider that - 

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This only increases the demands place on HR leaders and tech to enhance employee experience and foster meaningful engagement and growth.

One of the key tools in this regard is employee feedback and survey platforms. These platforms enable organizations to gather feedback from employees, assess their satisfaction levels, and identify areas for improvement. By leveraging advanced analytics, HR professionals can analyze this feedback to gain insights into employee sentiment, engagement, and overall satisfaction. This data can then be used to drive initiatives that enhance employee experience and improve engagement.

Scalable Employee Development. Another area we're focused on this year is further scaling our employee development solutions. One of the most significant advantages of using technology in employee development is the ability to offer a range of learning modalities. From interactive e-learning modules and virtual reality simulations to coaching tools, technology creates the potential to build a tailored ecosystem of diverse learning opportunities. This not only caters to different ways of learning but also ensures that training is accessible and engaging for employees at all levels.

Moreover, technology facilitates the tracking and analysis of employee performance data, allowing us to offer insights and recommendations tailored to individual and organizational growth objectives. This data-driven approach ensures that development initiatives are aligned with both the employee's career aspirations and the company's strategic goals, making the process of employee development not just scalable, but also highly effective and relevant.

Similar to nudging job candidates forward, we can leverage tech enabled communications to enhance performance feedback. By sending automated timely and personalized text or email reminders, we can not only provide feedback on a regular basis but also offer gentle nudges related to goals and prior learnings. This proactive approach ensures that employees stay on track, remain engaged, and continuously improve their performance while retaining them long-term.

In essence, we expect to see more harnessing of technology to create scalable, personalized, and powerful employee development programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning and belonging within enterprises.


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Recognition. Moreover, gamification and rewards platforms will become more prevalent in 2024. These platforms leverage game-like elements and incentives to motivate and engage employees. By incorporating gamification into training programs, performance evaluations, and employee recognition, organizations can create a more engaging and interactive work environment.

Another important tool in enhancing employee experience is personalized learning and development platforms. These platforms leverage AI and ML algorithms to recommend personalized learning resources and development opportunities based on individual employee needs and career goals. By providing employees with tailored learning experiences, organizations can foster continuous growth and development, leading to higher levels of engagement and retention.

In conclusion, HR technology will provide organizations with the tools and platforms to create a remarkable employee experience and driving not just engagement, but loyalty. By leveraging employee feedback platforms, gamification, and personalized learning tools, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction, foster a culture of continuous learning, and improve overall engagement levels.

Career Pathing. Emerging technology is revolutionizing career pathing, offering dynamic and personalized roadmaps for employee growth. Technology will make understanding employee wants, goals, experience, and potential easier and the ability to match that to opportunities within your workforce more seamless. At Corvirtus, we leverage these technological advancements to design career paths that are not only aligned with organizational goals but also resonate with individual employee aspirations and strengths.

Analytics and machine learning algorithms could build even more efficiency and accuracy in this process. By combining more sources of data quickly – from performance metrics to personal development needs – suggesting tailored career trajectories and skill development opportunities will occur seamlessly. This approach ensures that employees are not pigeonholed into traditional, linear career paths but are offered diverse and flexible routes that match their evolving skills and interests.

Moreover, technologies like predictive analytics can forecast future industry trends and skill requirements, allowing Corvirtus to prepare employees for upcoming challenges and opportunities. This proactive strategy ensures that the workforce remains agile and adaptable, key qualities in navigating uncertainty.

In essence, by integrating emerging technology with our expertise in industrial-organizational psychology, Corvirtus creates a symbiotic ecosystem where career development is both a personal journey for the employee and a powerful culture-and strategy driven asset for the organization. This technology-driven, human-centered approach to career pathing not only enhances employee satisfaction and retention but also propels organizations towards sustained success and growth.


An Evidence-Driven Approach to Technology in 2024

As a consultancy and solutions provider, we pride ourselves on being deeply rooted in the science of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology. Our field focuses on the study and improvement of human behavior in organizations and the workplace, allowing us to understand the intricacies of human interaction and motivation within these contexts.

The integration of HR technology with I-O psychology principles goes beyond a mere convergence of two fields—it represents a strategic alignment that truly enhances the effectiveness and human-centric nature of workplace practices. By combining the power of technology with our understanding of human behavior, we can create solutions that optimize both efficiency and employee well-being.

For us and our team, this integration is at the very core of our approach. We firmly believe that technological advancements in HR should not replace the human element in the workplace, but rather amplify it. While technology can streamline processes and provide valuable insights, it is the human touch that brings empathy, understanding, and creativity to the table.

By leveraging HR technology in a way that complements and supports the human element, we can nurture teams that foster collaboration, engagement, and growth. We spend the majority of our waking hours in adulthood at work and it touches almost all aspects of our identity and quality of life.

In short, our integration of HR technology with I-O psychology principles sets us up for success. We believe in harnessing the power of technology to enhance the human element in the workplace and in so doing creating an environment where both employees and organizations will thrive. By understanding the science of human behavior and combining it with intentionally delivered technology, we are able to provide unique and impactful strategies that drive success and well-being in the modern workplace.

Accelerate your strategy for 2024. Receive our complete toolkit for evaluating HR technology.