Corvirtus Blog

Planting the Roots of Engagement with the Employee Experience

Written by Jennifer Yugo and Tom DeCotiis | Feb 13, 2017 2:00:27 PM

Retention. Stable growth. Sustaining a competitive edge. We know why strengthening employee engagement and retention matters. But let's be honest, it's not as easy as it sounds. Engagement isn't something that can be achieved through a one-size-fits-all program, nor is it something we can easily screen for with hiring. Engagement grows from an employee's experience. The strong connection between employee engagement and organizational performance makes this distinction incredibly important and begs the question: how can we maximize engagement through our day-to-day?

Cultivating a Positive Employee Experience

The tree below explains what we're talking about with the relationship between employee experience and engagement. Leadership and the environment you create form the roots that foster the commitment, engagement, and results you need from your workforce. It might take some time, but our actions today affect our future and results later.

Just like a tree relies on strong roots for strength, the level of employee engagement in any organization is dependent on the quality of the employee experience.

In our whitepaper, we'll share realistic steps to build a thriving employee experience and the four key factors that define the employee experience and drive key business results.